Hello Clashers, below i thought i'd share my thoughts on upgrading, with
the hopes that at least one or two of you find it useful. There isnt
nessacarily a set "this is the best" way of doing things, however i
think its good to have a plan behind what you upgrade and when. In
general This kicks in from around TH7ish, as before that its often based
on how long things take.
I will tend to only ever have one of each defense upgrading at anyone
time, this means you can still have decent coverage.
Priority 1* - Walls:

Well upgraded walls make a HUGE difference to the
sucess of a raid. Upgrading them is also instant, so anytime you have a builder free
and the gold available you can put it into walls, and unlike that tower upgrade you wont need to wait 5 days to get the benefit. If people are raiding and they
see highly upgraded walls they will think twice, and often if they dont think twice they'll find themselves getting into trouble during their raids. This is probably the biggest mistake clashers make, i've certainly done so myself. *That said you need to balance wall upgrades with your towers so you dont end up with builders sitting idle and a base thats really under levelled. Get used to planning out those upgrades so that for example if you'll have a builder ready in 24hours and your going to spend 1,000,000 gold, then you can farm up to 1,500,000 and pump some resources into those walls before you move on.
Gold Priorities
Priority 2 - Splash Damage

Priority 3 - Air Defense
Great air defense can be the difference between stalling a big well
planned assault, or losing all your resources in a raid. Great against
Dragons, and angels... very popular for th6-th8 raiders as well as
minions. Lets face it when you have a dragon or angel in your army camps and you see more fireworks then gandalfs cart then you take the re-roll and go look for someone easier to take out.
This is really important to stop your base being overun by hoards of
barbarians, archers and goblins. Early townhall levels i prioritise the
mortar due to the gold cost and build times, however from th7
prioritise the wizard towers. Its actually my favourite tower as its
punishes hoardes whilst its damage is significent enough to worry groups
of giants, hog riders etc

Priority 4 - Clan Castle
centralised clan castles are one of the harded things to counter and
take into account when raiding, plus it helps with attack as well.
Early level more troops win raids, and the build times really low for
what your getting.
Priority 5 - Single Targets

This includes your cannons, archer towers, tesla etc. Upgrade tesla
whenever you have the gold free, as the build times mean you have to
wait around a while before they are up and running. You'll be thankful
laters as they are great vs high HP targets like dragons, golems, giants
and off course pekka's plus there great attack speed makes them pretty
good at clearing barbarian swaves, or taking out Wallbreakers before
they deliver their load. Earlier levels i prioritise the archer towers
due to their range and versatility, at TH8 i prioritise cannons as gold
cannons can be the difference between someone deciding against raiding
you and keep on looking for that juicier target. They are quite a
visual difference that people pick up on in that first 5/10 seconds of
scanning bases.

Priority 6 - Elixir Storages and Pumps:
I'd prioritise storage over pumps. You want your storage to be at least
enough for your most expensive upgrade at the level, prehaps a little
higher to give you spare ready for the next upgrade. The reasons i put
storages and pumps as 6 are
a:You can raid to get resources instead
b: Being better upgraded puts you as a bigger temptation when it comes
to raiding. i know i certain love to see a base thats got maxed out
collectors and a low upgraded defenses and walls, as there will be alot
of juice in those badboys. If you dont have as much time to raid then you may wanna make these a bigger priority. I'd prioritise gold over elixir as there
are more things that you'll need gold for, and generally my mines are about 1 level above my pumps.
Elixir Priorities

Priority 1 - Army Camps
More troops = better raiding = more resources. The difference between 180 and 200 troops is MASSIVE! Not only does it only to to raid against potentially tougher bases, but it also means you can raid more often. If you only need to use 100 of those troops to take out a weaker base, then you can raid a second base straight away. If youve stacked your barracks then you
potenially could have filled half that by the time youve finished the raid.

Priority 2 - Laboratory. You really
want to be upgrading EVERYTIME you can. Better troops = Better raiding =
more resources. Try to make sure you have a builder free when your lab is ready.
Lots of clans prefer upgraded archers, infact many clans will ask for a minimum level just to join, so if your unsure then you cant really go wrong.
Priority 3 - Dark Elixir Drills and Storages

Before TH8 then barracks will be priority 3. However by TH8 you will probably
already have your barracks where you want them anyhow, but those DE
troops and heroes can tip the balance and brings in some interesting new
raiding tactics, PLUS having affectively more barracks overall means
you can build quicker and raid more often.
Priority4 - Barracks:

Gives you access to the cool stuff. Depending on your raiding style and
builds will determine how many of each level of barracks you will need. Again once your comfortable with raiding tactics you'll know what you'll need, but you'll always want at least one of the highest level barracks for your TH level. If you wanna do cool stuff like Drag-ions [dragon/minion raiding] or have multiple PEKKA's reaping havoc then you'll want more barracks fully upgraded.
Priority 5 - Gold Storages and Mines:

I'd prioritise storage over mines. You want your storage to be at least
enough for your most expensive upgrade at the level, prehaps a little
higher to give you spare ready for the next upgrade. The reasons i put
storages and pumps as 6 are
a:You can raid to get resources instead
b: As with elixir pumps, mines being better upgraded puts you as a bigger temptation when it comes
to raiding. If I see mines like the ones pictured above, outside walls with its troughs filled like a 2p slot machine at southend sea front, theni know just a few nudges and i'll be bringing home the big bucks, and probably only using about 20 goblins plus a few giants, archer or barbarians to get it. WIN
Dark Elixir Priorities
Dark elixir is probably the widest open to different approaches. it will probably be the latter stages of TH8 that you start looking into upgrades using Dark elixir and there really are a number of ways you can approach it. If you find yourself using minions in every raid then abviously this should be at the top of the list ;)

Priority 1 - Heroes
you get heroes for FREE, when raiding. The better they are the better
you will raid, without having to train them each time.
They start off reasonably quick to upgrade, for example the level 2 barbarian king takes 12 hours. However the main drawback is that it actually increases his respawn time by 4 minutes as well.
Priority 2 - Troops
Just like your regular troops, better DE troops = better raiding = more
resources. Your Priority for them will vary depending on your Raid
tactics. I like piggies and minions, but at higher level raiding those
golems are useful. The upgrades on DE troops make a significant difference, and high level tactics will often revolve around DE troops [ie golem or witches].
Cheers for reading, and have fun Raiding.
If your an active player/donator and want to join a clan look up tonnes more
Please comment if theres anything here you disagree with, or if you find it useful.
ReplyDeleteVery nice! Perfect guide :)
ReplyDeletereally helpfully guide ! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting all of this info together. My Clash of Clans recently got a sky-rocketing boost.
ReplyDeleteI used www.featurepoints.com/ZEYS69 to get a free $10 iTunes gift card which I spent on 1200 GEMS. I used 120 GEMS to boost my barracks and spell factory to farm over 3 mil. gold, which I am using to upgrade my town hall to TH7 among many other things you mentioned here.
Again, thank you for all the info.
And as always, Keep on Clashing!!!!!
In general This kicks in from around TH7ish, as before that its often based on how long things take. I will tend to only ever have one of each defense upgrading at anyone time, this means you can still have decent coverage.clash of clans hack