So what is a proper junction and why do you want it?
well a proper junction is a connection between two sections of wall, that has at least two spaces between the next segment. An inproper junction therefore is a connection between two sections of wall that doesnt have at least 2 spaces between them.
If we have a look at the image above you can see looks of examples of an inproper junction circled in red whilst the proper junction is circled in grey.
Now imagine a wallbreaker or two making a run and exploding against the inproper junction between the tesla and the gold mine next to the barb kings platform. The explosion would mean that theyve just opened up two compartments. Happy days to the Wallbreakers and their Buddies that are surely steaming in behind them.
Next if you release the wall breakers at the bottom corner they would target one of the corner sections, and either open up the archer tower OR the scetion with the pump and mine.

Heres another example of staggered T-junctions. This is my base that is a modified version of Pingfao's tesla theme park. Each section is at least 2 away from the next connection which means Wall breakers are only every going to get through one section at a time. The only exception here is on my "tesla boxes". If i were to swap so my tesla was inside the mortar compartments, and my bombs were in ta smaller box, then i could maintain fully staggered junctions. Basically ive given up that advantage, with the gain of having another target that giants will lock onto before they break into my cor, and usually if they were to stick down many wallbreakers here, they will bust open the other edge of the boxes first and then go after the corner compartments. This is where pingfao's design's excel, the whole thing is staggered junctions which means its going to take a long grind to get through Or mean you need a hell of alot of wallbreakers.
Staggered junctions are particularly important on the outer shell of your base design, as this is where wall breakers have the easiest time getting too, and farming raiders with lots of goblins will wanna break open the outer compartments to send in waves of goblins/archers to pick off exposed storages.
This is not only important against wall breakers but any troops smashing through an inproper junction will end up exposing more than one compartment, exposing more of your internal structure, taking less time to get through the bases layers over all and meaning you can say bye bye to that hard farmed resource sitting in your collectors.
hopefully this helps give a little guidance on how to make your own base designs more robust.
please feel free to comment, and happy clashing
Here is a list of Top Ten Funny Clash of Clans Base
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As im sure you know, base design can be very important in clash of clans. Regardless of if your a trophy hunter, that doesnt want to get their base smashed in while their asleep, or if your a farmer, wanting to protect those valueable resources, then an affective base is going to help you with that, and one key factor in base design is Proper junctions. clash of clans hack